Toronto: serious the girl who suffered an accident on board her bike

by publisher | Ottobre 4, 2018 2:02 PM

She was admitted to hospital with severe head injuries, the girl who had the accident this morning around 7:00 am in the Leslieville area, precisely between Dundas Street East and Logan.

The paramedics have stated that the victim is about 20 years old, and has been rushed to a trauma center.

The vehicle involved in the accident remained in place, and it was the vehicle owner himself who warned the police about it. It is still not clear exactly how it all happened, but the members of the traffic service unit are investigating, and from what emerges from the first dynamics it seems that the victim was in the vicinity of a cycle path.
At present the lanes east of Dundas Street have been closed and all traffic is diverted south or north on Logan Avenue. The lanes west of Dundas Street were closed in Carlaw.

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